Could they truly break-free
It was spring time, the time when flowers bloom, birds chirp and the nature is decked up to its best. Spring is life personified. Six co-sisters, who have spent their entire life in the shackles of “dutiful housewives”, decided to break-free. So booking were done for Puri, Bengalis most favourite destination, and these ladies started their journey. Their main motto was to break the routine life, be away for few days from their daily monotonous life, enjoy life to the fullest and most importantly be on their own…no family. “Few days for their own selves”. Seven days flew off like seven minutes. It was time to return. As they came back, eager faces were waiting to listen to their stories. Some were showing reluctance, thinking six ladies who hardly have seen the outer world, how much could have managed alone. Some were mesmerized with their courage. They came back, the trip was ‘super-successful’ and all have brought some or the other souvenir for whom they have left behind. The eldest among these six ladies was my Mom-in-law, and this beautiful saree was brought by her for me. I was excited, black being one of my favourite colours, but I kept on thinking…..’Could they truly break-free??’
I think these are what we know as Indian wives…First they belong to their husbands…then to their children…and then if anything is left its for their own selves.