Here comes sunshine yellow with favorite black combination in cotton and Satin border. Yellow is the color of celebrations in India. It means positiveness, represents knowledge and it’s vibrant color brings an energy of its own. In ancient India motifs and colors played a very important role in the society. Blue was generally worn by the working class and was avoided by the upper class. Red, yellow and orange were considered auspicious and were part of all celebrations – marriage, birth, festivals, Green signified prosperity, happiness and represented nature. Black, inauspicious and represented Shani Bhagavan. White, a highly pure color was the dress of the Brahmins-representing knowledge of the highest form. White also was a mourning color.
To me, I just loved this yellow on black!! From Cupraa/Cafela And love all the colors, especially the form of a saree. Decided to feature my handbag, a handcrafted piece which I picked up from Delhi, years ago. I just fell in love with it. And my footwear fetish will feature more regularly now. A very comfortable pair from Bata. Concentrate on the footwear, not my feet, OK? Good!