This was Saree#8 ‪#‎100sareepact‬
It never escapes me that right here, in my house, I am bringing up the change makers of the future.
Change comes with awareness. Change comes with learning. Change comes when minds are expanded.
My daughter has a point of view. She is ten, and has begun to question her place in society and the way women are treated by it.
She wants to know why women don’t play the IPL matches with men.
She kicked butt in the all girl football team in school but suggested to the coach that they mix up the team with a few good players from the boys smile emoticon
She thinks boys are “ewwww” but is quick to defend her older brother when I am being unfair on him.
She sees her father support her mother, in every endeavor, and tells him often that he is a good man.
She asks, emphatically, to be heard by each one of us when we dismiss her as the baby of the house.
“When you finish, I’d like to have my say”, she says these days.
She is beginning to negotiate life’s many challenges with grace, but not without questions and seeking answers.
Miss K wanted to join in the #100sareepact and has been waiting for the weekend to take a shot with me. She is ten. And like all ten year old girls, she loves makeup, nail polish, can be a totally rude brat and loves wearing her mother’s heels.
She says she’d like to be just like me when she grows up.
I tell her, often, that she is better. Much better.
She played the role of Cauvery, the river, in a school play for which we got her this saree.
‪#‎notwithoutmydaughter‬ #100sareepact ‪#‎iamwoman‬ ‪#‎Durga‬ ‪#‎little‬ woman