Pulled out this black n gold kanjeevaram for a wedding
Pulled out this black n gold kanjeevaram for a wedding on Sunday and with it came out tumbling some cherished memories…It is during the darkest times of your life that you find the light within !!2008 was a year when my spirits were at the lowest fighting a losing battle against the outside world due to circumstances beyond my control…and that was when my dear buddies from the Landmark-a motivational course came into my life and brought a ray of hope !! That was when I first found the magic of “THE SECRET ” and the Law of attraction that made me experience that if you really positively want something in life, then the Universe conspires to make it come true for you!! This has been my funda ever since then as I have seen the power of thoughts manifest so many times in my life that I am a total believer- am sure my friends are tired of me repeating this over& over again-but then I had to spread the magic..couldn”t just hog it to myself na….lol
Very fond of my buddy group coz we are so transparent with each other that we can just be ourselves with no pretense at all -makes life so much easier actually…now you know why I keep speaking my mind out so loud n clear!! The main aim of our group then was to get our adorable cutiepie wacky Meena Kumari- Preeti married to the man of her dreams!!Meena Kumari coz she used to perpetually cry on our shoulders at all times at all our buddy meet ups, till we were ready to even kidnap Utpal and get them married just to get her to stop… lol !! So happy that she did achieve her dreams &had worn this saree for her wedding to Reverse gear as we affectionately called him coz he used to reverse down a one way road just to pick up meyddam from our classes;)
Really cherish my buddy group of Preeti, Cynthia, Shreedhar, Sadiq and Keshav and also rakhal eddie and shalini coz they have stood by me through thick n thin and really pushed and even scolded me to get my venture going and everything else straightened out:) .time to meet up folks!! A big thanks also to Viji and Rajendran for introducing me to the forum and making my life a happier place!!