My Success Saree!
So I had applied for a change in visa status–for a long overdue trip to the US. And with all the hectic mayhem here in chennai I almost forgot!! Sheesh!!
But thankfully I had all my paperwork ready when I booked the appointment itself. So it was fine.
A new photograph had to be taken bcos of a ‘drastic’ change in my appearance…! And the instructions were ‘to come in attire that I regularly wear’. Now what have I been wearing ‘regularly’?? The saree of course?
So I braved the chennai heat n wore a saree. The result? Easy breezy interview n of course I got my visa too!!
This is amma’s saree which I’m not fond of…AT ALL…in fact I almost didn’t let her buy it. But she liked it. And after our little tug of war discussion–I struck a deal with her.
So I insisted n did a little embroidery to make it look a little more interesting. Just had to make it a tad bit…teju shtyle!
And now that’s what happened to half her wardrobe! As weekend projects I embroidered her already tailored blouses. And the perk? I get to enjoy them too!