88/100. A moss green tussar with a wide, kora (unbleached) border and palla on which gorgeous, flamboyant, hand-painted flowers bloom. This was a gift to my Mother’s Day gift to my mom three years ago – like I said in a much earlier post, my gifts to her are consciously bought so that they don’t suit me and so, the wide border.

But with only a few more sarees to go for the pact this year, and the sudden chill in the Kolkata air, I thought I would wear this for my classes. And she kept me gloriously warm.

Unfortunately, it was one of ‘those’ days – chaotic beyond words. The domestic help didn’t turn up, I had class in the afternoon – which meant I wouldn’t be there to pick up my son from the bus. His friend’s mother came to my rescue and picked him up, giving me forty five minutes of breathing space. I couldn’t manage a single photograph… Finally, the didi who sells chai at the bus stop came to my rescue. ? The second photograph was taken by my son as we walked from his friend’s place towards a quiet winter evening at home.