A date after 9 Years- Sister Act 2
It was those tender years of my life, aged 9-10 years, when my first sense of fashion, style, tastes were developing….
She was my Diva, my style icon! She was Didibhai, our eldest cousin.
For a short stint, we sisters shared a common house, parted by two floors….
Wham,MJ…Imran Khan,Akram,Kapil Dev, Steffi Graff,Boris Beckar,…. were the faces who welcomed me inside her room and I fancied following her style statements. I used to fly high wearing her accessories and later her clothes…
21 years ago she left this country following her dreams to the other part of the world.
And this year,after a gap of lonnggg 9years, she was here last week.
This time, when we both met, discussed life, it was an amazing Woman to Woman connect!
Of late, she has been a regular follower of my saree stories. At times when she openly praises my style, fashion, I feel ‘Top of the World’ since she was the one whom I have looked upon in this field!
77/100#100sareepact is our ‘first time saree-drape together’ pose! 🙂 🙂
Mine was a gift, a veryyyy special goodbye gift by one of my closest pals ever, whom I call ‘beloved’!
A wonderful tussar silk; the crème part has a unique golden zaree work while the rest of the saree is a mix of vibrant colours creating a maze of colour composition. The saree is an apt reflection of the colourful relationships of our life!
A golden heavy costume jewellery, heavy ear-ring, a fancy clutch (a gift by a friend) were my fine touches.
Didibhai draped her new saree, (first of her saree purchase after 21 years and I was the only one witnessing this moment), another tussar, green in colour and paired with a wonderful silk bag , chic neck-piece and bindi!
The most interesting connect; both the sarees were from ‘Adi Dhakeshwari Bastralaya’ a saree shop in south Kolkata!
It was a family get-together, another elder sister joined the saree brigade and loads of memories got clicked! Don’t know when we will have such gathering in future. Life is unpredictable… We both believe, Life is Beautiful and also, we love to fight back all the odds.
Thanks Didibhai for being there!
When this story will be live, we both will be located opposite of the hemispheres; but always connected with the same root and gene…
Take care, will be in touch!!