Summer Glory
The Yellow Tussar once again !!! This time I pay tribute to the wonderful summer weather in this beautiful city Montreal ! The skies have been powder blue and the clouds snowy white and the air fresh and cool like a hmmm summer breeze smile emoticon
The flowers are as bright as silk and the leaves drunk on golden sunshine not knowing the difference between green and gold !
The same trees that were once bare or just had a sprinkling of pastel coloured new leaves are a rich green in this undiluted sunshine .
And the flowers take on a giddy hue so drunk are they .
By just wearing this oft worn favourite with another blouse I do feel I have changed its character too and this bright day time drape , with a black and red Bijouri faithful is ready to take me to dinner at a dear friend’s home . Good Punjabi fare awaits me and today’s Saree Pact Photographer is my 11 year old granddaughter .