This is a handwoven tussar silk that belongs to my Ma, Subhadra Maudgal.
My Ma is the bravest, most zinda dil and shaukeen ( large hearted and zest for life ) woman you will ever meet. Her story inspires, and moulds who I am. But that is for another day.
So my mother lives with her four children, in four different continents, in turn. And I kid you not, she has wardrobes full in every home and she still never travels light ( insert anju ki pitayee/spanking guaranteed here )
What should you present the Maudgal Queen ? Sarees and Jewellery, naturally !
This saree was presented to Ma by my sister in law, Shubha Maudgal, on her birthday. A quick dash to Bombay’s Amarsons store ( my Sophia girls are sighing at this moment ) because the city had come to a halt due to the 26/11 Taj siege.
My mother’s birthday is on the the 28th of November.
I had to wait to post this till now, because both Memsaabs weren’t picking up their phones, FaceTime calls or answering messages since they were lunching in Seoul.
I’m glad I waited for the story for the details it through up, and I talked to my Mommy after a long time.