Dear Friend
Not All My Near and Dear Ones are on FB
Not All That I want to say Is on FB.
Not That I wanted to be On the pact for the same reasons….
But then I Have been known to break some ‘Not to be done’.rules!
So My Friend P…who has seen me in My worssst times…who has been with me thru late nite Dandiyas…Catching up on Professional Updates…simply let me stay in her house when Ive missed my 12am last virar local train…Seen my ventures take shape..been a silent observer when it took time to shape up….Called up from Distant Places to simply hear me rant!!..
When her Niece(whom we have seen frm the tummy days) had her Arangetram yday
It was time to drop everything and be there!Had A Beautiful Evening….not just cos I’m meeting her after a long time ….but it also helped develop an insight into my preteen daughters mind as it was one of those days not with my entire family but just me and her…!
More to such meets with P…
More to such insights….
More to the weaver who wove this saree for me to replicate the Gunderi shawls that they generally work on..
More to the customised Jawaja leather bag …
And More to the Anchor Thread and bead work done by artisans frm around Maharshtra…..
I felt Complete!!