” Ma’am this saree you are wearing is lovely “, says a voice from behind me at the counter, as I stand to pay for my purchase.
She sees me write my name on the receipt, I think, and then ” you’re Anju from the ‪#‎100sareepact‬ !!! ”
I turned to smile at this lady I didn’t know, but who knew me, ” I was just going to tell you to join the pact”, she said, smiling.
We chatted about the stories, she told me how much she was enjoying her Facebook wall fill up everyday with splendor and emotion and how she is waiting to join in the story telling as soon as she solved her – no blouse fits – problem.
For those who ask who needs a #100sareepact, here is your answer. Whether we wear sarees everyday, or a couple of times a week, or not at all, the #100sareepact is building a community of people who are sharing their voice, their experience, their sorrow & their joy, and their opinions on social media and when they meet you.
A community that has transcended barriers to build connections between total strangers. Compliments, an exchange of memories, we are bringing back celebration to our lives.
Celebration of the story we are.
Each different. Each connected through the medium of the saree.
Hurrah !

Saree #35/100 #100sareepact