Bought this saree by accident. Was walking up after kicking ass in the gym and saw this lady walking down, after shopping at an exhibition in the apartment party hall. Despite living in Purva for over 4 years, I have never shopped at any of the exhibitions and was tempted to take a look at what they had. I didn’t even see this saree and had almost finalized a dark blue floral Chanderi saree. The salesman was folding this to put it back when I saw the pallu and fell in love with the vibrant colours on it. The black and cream with a gold and red just did it for me!

With me are the three most important women in my life – Amma, my Daai and Padma Ma, my friend, philosopher and guardian angel. All of them have loved me uncodnitionally, been there for me when I have needed them the most and continue to nurture, inspire and guide me. My God sent angels smile emoticon

Wearing a Paarisha neck piece that I am in love with smile emoticon. The gajra is because I’d gone to Amma’s place for breakfast and my Daai had bought this for me.