#SareeNo 67

It is very hard for me to define my relationship with my sisters. I usually avoid writing about them because no words can describe them.
I am the oldest and have been away from them for a good 20+ yrs. But today I wore a saree from my baby sister’s closet for a musical meet. When I was there a friend commented if I would repeat the sarees, Another asked me when would I wear something from the new stock I got last month. but the next comment was very compelling. She asked how come my sisters takes care of me so much and do I know how lucky I am. Now that was something I had to rethink.. We all want to be there for each other and we respect each other with our disagreements too.
Smita is our baby sister and always a follower of her sisters. She grew up having 4 mothers (Amma and us 3 sisters) she is an accomplished woman but when it comes to her sisters she is still bulbul (we called her when she was young because of her very soft voice) for us. She has been our fashion diva. I remember buying anything I liked and she wore diligently. I admire her sense of fashion and instinct. She could get dressed in 10 minutes and still rock the floor. She taught us resilience, fun, spontaneity and unconditional love.
She is a mother now but for us she is still our baby sister.